

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Jila Panchayat Bemetara – List of applications received for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

Jila Panchayat Bemetara – List of applications received for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

15/10/2024 31/10/2024 View (4 MB) सहायक प्रोग्रामर (4 MB) अकाउंटेंट (8 MB) तकनीकी सहायक part-1 (7 MB) तकनीकी सहायक part-2 (6 MB) तकनीकी सहायक part-3 (6 MB) तकनीकी सहायक part-4 (6 MB) तकनीकी सहायक part-5 (7 MB) विकासखण्ड समन्वयक part-01 (6 MB) विकासखण्ड समन्वयक part-02 (8 MB) सहायक ग्रेड-03 part-01 (9 MB) सहायक ग्रेड-03 part-02 (9 MB) सहायक ग्रेड-03 part-03 (9 MB) डा.ए.आ. जनपद स्तर (8 MB) डा.ए.आ. जिला स्तर part-01 (6 MB) डा.ए.आ. जिला स्तर part-02 (7 MB) डा.ए.आ. जिला स्तर part-03 (7 MB) डा.ए.आ. जिला स्तर part-04 (7 MB) डा.ए.आ. जिला स्तर part-05 (6 MB)
Information regarding inclusion of names of missed applications received under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in the tabulation.

Information regarding inclusion of names of missed applications received under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in the tabulation.

21/10/2024 28/10/2024 View (456 KB)
Publication of eligible/ineligible list for claim and objection after inspection of applications received for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

Jila Panchayat Bemetara – Publication of eligible/ineligible list for claim and objection after inspection of applications received for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

21/10/2024 28/10/2024 View (431 KB) Accountant पात्र अपात्र सूची (9 MB) AP पात्र अपात्र सूची (10 MB) BC पात्र अपात्र सूची Part_01 (4 MB) BC पात्र अपात्र सूची Part_02 (4 MB) Ag-03 पात्र अपात्र सूची part-01 (8 MB) Ag-03 पात्र अपात्र सूची part-02 (7 MB) TA पात्र अपात्र सूची part-01 (7 MB) TA पात्र अपात्र सूची part-02 (6 MB) TA पात्र अपात्र सूची part-03 (7 MB) DEO District पात्र अपात्र सूची Part01 (9 MB) DEO District पात्र अपात्र सूची Part02 (8 MB) DEO Janpad पात्र अपात्र सूची (6 MB) TA पात्र अपात्र सूची part-04 (8 MB)
Advertisement regarding filling of contractual vacant posts at district/district panchayat level by Directorate, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural Chhattisgarh Vikas Bhawan, Atal Nagar, District-Raipur.

Advertisement regarding filling of contractual vacant posts at district/district panchayat level by Panchayat and Rural Development Department – Directorate, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural Chhattisgarh Vikas Bhawan, Atal Nagar, District-Raipur.

03/09/2024 21/10/2024 View (1 MB) Time Table (406 KB)
Publication of the selection list of Awas Mitra under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Jila Panchayat Bemetara – Publication of the selection list of Awas Mitra under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

27/09/2024 15/10/2024 View (1 MB) AM Selection List-Saja (471 KB) AM Selection List-Nawagarh (2 MB) AM Selection List-Berla (617 KB)
Jila Panchayat Bemetara – Publication of advertisement for filling various vacant contractual posts under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural).

Jila Panchayat Bemetara – Publication of advertisement for filling various vacant contractual posts under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural).

25/09/2024 10/10/2024 View (4 MB)
Reagrding cancellation of advertisement regarding filling of contractual vacant posts at district/district panchayat level by Directorate, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural Chhattisgarh Vikas Bhawan, Atal Nagar, District-Raipur.

Information regarding cancellation of advertisement issued by Panchayat and Rural Development Department – ​​Directorate, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin Chhattisgarh Vikas Bhawan, Atal Nagar, District-Raipur for filling up of contractual vacancies at district/Janpad Panchayat level.

20/09/2024 30/09/2024 View (204 KB) संविदा भर्ती निरस्त प्रेस विज्ञप्ति (197 KB)
Publication of merit list after redressal of claims and objections of the applications received for the selection of Awas Mitra / Dedicated Human Resource.

District Panchayat Bemetara – Publication of merit list after redressal of claims and objections of the applications received for the selection of Awas Mitra / Dedicated Human Resource.

25/09/2024 30/09/2024 View (370 KB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची- बेमेतरा (3 MB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची- साजा (2 MB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची- नवागढ़ (4 MB) दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची- बेरला (843 KB) मेरिट सूची – बेमेतरा (7 MB) मेरिट सूची – बेरला (6 MB) मेरिट सूची – साजा (6 MB) मेरिट सूची – नवागढ़ (6 MB)
Regarding change in merit serial number in the merit list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource under Janpad Panchayat Bemetara.

Regarding change in merit serial number in the merit list of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resource under Janpad Panchayat Bemetara.

26/09/2024 30/09/2024 View (545 KB)
Information regarding publication of preliminary list for claims/objections after thorough scrutiny of applications received for the selection of housing friend/dedicated human resources under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

Jila Panchayat Bemetara – Information regarding publication of preliminary list for claims/objections after thorough scrutiny of applications received for the selection of housing friend/dedicated human resources under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

16/09/2024 23/09/2024 View (775 KB) Saja AM list (5 MB) Berla AM list (4 MB) Nawagarh AM list (10 MB) Bemetara AM list (10 MB)