

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Information regarding walk in interview for the recruitment of teachers in vacant posts in Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Bemetara / Nawagarh / Devkar / Berla / Devarbija / Thankhamharia / Singhauri.

Education Department Bemetara – Information regarding walk in interview for the recruitment of teachers in vacant posts in Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Bemetara / Nawagarh / Devkar / Berla / Devarbija / Thankhamharia / Singhauri.

03/10/2022 17/10/2022 View (4 MB)
Information regarding selection list/waiting list after document verification under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

Land Records Branch Bemetara – Information regarding selection list/waiting list after document verification under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

20/09/2022 10/10/2022 View (2 MB)
Regarding the final eligible – ineligible and claim settlement list after claim objection and disposal for various contract posts under National Health Mission.

Health Department Bemetara – Regarding the final eligible – ineligible and claim settlement list after claim objection and disposal for various contract posts under National Health Mission.

06/09/2022 30/09/2022 View (3 MB) ANM List (3 MB) Audiologist List (943 KB) HWC sangati Computer grade List (1 MB) HWC sangwari List (694 KB) MO RBSK List (1 MB) Nursing officer List (2 MB) Physiotherapist List (373 KB) Psychologist List (591 KB) Sr. Nursing officer List (598 KB) Tech Assistant List (187 KB)
Regarding the appointment order of Assistant Teacher Science E-Cadre and Assistant Teacher Laboratory E-Cadre.

Education Department Bemetara – Regarding the appointment order of Assistant Teacher Science E-Cadre and Assistant Teacher Laboratory E-Cadre.

26/09/2022 30/09/2022 View (2 MB) सहायक शिक्षक विज्ञान – नियुक्ति आदेश (3 MB)
Recruitment to the posts of Special Educator for inclusive education conducted under Samagra Shiksha.

Education Department Bemetara – Recruitment to the posts of Special Educator for inclusive education organized under Samagra Shiksha.

12/09/2022 23/09/2022 View (1 MB)
Information regarding claim objection in the list of category wise eligible / ineligible candidates after document verification under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

Land Records Branch Bemetara – Information regarding claim objection in the list of category wise eligible / ineligible candidates after document verification under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

09/09/2022 13/09/2022 View (3 MB)
Regarding the appointment order for lecturer cadre, teacher cadre, computer teacher, PT teacher, assistant teacher arts/science and librarian on contract/deputation in Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Singhori, Devarbija, Saja, Thankhamharia in Bemetara district.

Education department bemetara-Regarding the appointment order for lecturer cadre, teacher cadre, computer teacher, PT teacher, assistant teacher arts/science and librarian on contract/deputation in Swami Atmanand Excellence English Medium School Singhori, Devarbija, Saja, Thankhamharia in Bemetara district.

24/08/2022 30/08/2022 View (282 KB) सेजेस सिंघौरी नियुक्ति आदेश (742 KB) सेजेस देवरबिजा नियुक्ति आदेश (902 KB) सेजेस साजा नियुक्ति आदेश (916 KB) सेजेस थानखमरिया नियुक्ति आदेश (954 KB)
Information regarding interview for lecturer cadre, teacher cadre, computer teacher, PT teacher, assistant teacher arts/science and librarian on contract/deputation in Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Singhori, Devarbija, Saja, Thankhamharia in Bemetara district.

Education Department Bemetara – Information regarding interview for lecturer cadre, teacher cadre, computer teacher, PT teacher, assistant teacher arts/science and librarian on contract/deputation in Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Singhori, Devarbija, Saja, Thankhamharia in Bemetara district.

22/08/2022 23/08/2022 View (3 MB) List for Interview-SAGES Thankhmahariya (9 MB) List for Interview-SAGES Singhouri (9 MB) List for Interview-SAGES Saja (10 MB) List for Interview-SAGES Devarbija (9 MB)
Regarding revised eligible-ineligible list for claim objection on various 17 contract posts under National Health Mission in district Bemetara.

Health Department Bemetara – Regarding revised eligible-ineligible list for claim objection on various 17 contract posts under National Health Mission in district Bemetara.

08/08/2022 22/08/2022 View (521 KB) ANM (4 MB) Audiologist (4 MB) Health Officer Aayush (922 KB) HWC Sangwari (3 MB) HWC Sanwari Computer Grade (5 MB) Nursing Officer (8 MB) Physiotherepist (2 MB) Psychology (2 MB) Senior Nursing Officer-Psychiartic Nurse (3 MB) Technical Assistant Hearing Impaired Children-NPPCCD (1 MB)
Notice of verification of certificates on date 17.08.2022 under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

Land Records Branch, Bemetara – Notice of verification of certificates on date 17.08.2022 under Patwari Training Selection Test 2022.

05/08/2022 17/08/2022 View (2 MB)