
Publication of claim objection on vacant posts under Women Empowerment Center (HUB).

Publication of claim objection on vacant posts under Women Empowerment Center (HUB).
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Publication of claim objection on vacant posts under Women Empowerment Center (HUB).

Women and Child Development Department-Publication of claim objection on vacant posts under Women Empowerment Center (HUB).

07/02/2024 21/02/2024 View (673 KB) डाटा एंट्री ओपरेटर। (9 MB) मल्टी टास्किंग स्टाफ (4 MB) कार्यालय सहायक। (4 MB) वित्तीय साक्छरता एवं समन्वय विशेषज्ञ। (3 MB) जेंडर विशेषज्ञ। (7 MB) जिला मिशन समन्वयक। (6 MB) प्राप्त अमान्य आवेदन पत्र। (334 KB)